>(UK) участок, территория (An area of land and modern buildings developed for residential, industrial, or commercial purposes an area where there are many houses, usually built at the same time by the same company. поместье, имение (An extensive area of land in the country, usually with a large house, owned by one person, family, or organization).(in brewing) add yeast to (wort) to induce fermentation Daley, Bob Caso, Christina Huntington, John Mariano, Phil Proctor Kelly Ward. Cause (a roof) to slope downwards from the ridge 'On Blazing Wings: Golden Age Stories', L. (of a moving ship, aircraft, or vehicle) rock or oscillate around a lateral axis, so that the front moves up and down > to try to persuade sb to give you work, a business deal etc >(of an animal or moving object) сталкивать к-л (throw sb there suddenly) Goodness, is this thing sharp This one is from 1999, but it is in excellent condition This Circle Y Park and Trail is a 17', per serial number, fitting just a teeny bit smaller with the bear trap style swells and nice deep seat. This one is an oldie, but goodie, made when Circle Y was the standard among saddles. падать (Fall heavily, especially headlong fall suddenly in a particular direction) As you know, we love LOVE our dark oil Circle Y's. аудитории) (to say, write, or create sth so that it will be suitable for people of a particular age, level of ability etc Set or aim at a particular level, target, or audience)